God's unconditional grace, love, and forgiveness for all.
This Latter House originated based on the word of God and the prayer group of eight individuals, our yielding to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and love for each other as family, which got strengthen daily.
Our quest is to spread the gospel as instructed by our Lord Jesus and we have discovered that God love cannot be compared to any other love.
It is in this quest of Him that we have realised that everyone must live a peaceful life and maximise the inborn ability place in him by a compassionate Creator so that one can positively impact the lives of others.
Understanding the importance of every individual enacts our zeal to help in discovering and aligning ourselves to God’s will in making a positive impact in our local and international community.
Founded as a church plant of Midlands Province of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in the United Kingdom in 2017, we are constantly being reminded of not forgetting our humble beginning. This has been serving as a strength in forging ahead with the assignment of the great commission.
Whatever your skillset, background, culture or race, at This Latter House, you can find a home for yourself and that of your family. Join us as we seek perpetual peace, align with God’s will, discover God purpose, maximise potential while impacting other lives.
God bless you and you are welcome into our midst.

Our Values
We can summarise our core values in these three words: “You are important”

Understanding the importance of every individual enacts our zeal to help in discovering and aligning ourselves to God’s will in making a positive impact in our local and international community.

Our quest is to spread the gospel as instructed by our Lord Jesus

List of Ministries in the church
Sunday bible study where questions can be asked and answered. This group is made up of trained, educated and informed workers who regularly assist the Pastors to
educate the church morally and spiritually. Their impact on church spiritual growth is highly critical.
Putting smiles on the need in the church and outside the church. This is the department that organises welfare and harnesses all available resources within the church to provide for the needy in the church and local community.
Ensuring that we use the modern technology (InfoTech and Engineering) to convey messages to the congregation as well as maintaining those equipments prudently.
This is a group of faithful Christians with finance & accounting skills and are able to visit bank to lodge-in all meeting collections as well as providing transparent financial report to the church trustees. They also helps the pastor-in-charge and trustees with financial planning and church growth monitoring.
The group comprises of married women. They pray together and fellowship together toward the growth of the church. They also seek to support the church of God through their selfless service to the church.
Young, dynamic, energetic & the future of the church, who will carry on with the work of the King of kings. This helps bring up our future generation to limelight and teach them in the way of the Lord.
Being trained in the way of the Lord so that they will grow and not depart from such path
How To Find Us
Corby Baptist Church,
Rowlett Road, Corby
NN17 2BS - info@thislatterhouse.org.uk.org